Fall campus connect orientations at SUNY Ulster


SUNY Ulster will hold Campus Connect Orientations for the fall semester, at the Stone Ridge Campus, 491 Cottekill Road, Stone Ridge, 9 a.m. Friday, Aug. 2; 1 p.m. Monday, Aug. 5; or 9 a.m. Tuesday, Aug. 6 for all incoming students. Campus Connect is an invaluable experience and provides students with the opportunity to become familiar with the college and all SUNY Ulster has to offer. Meet SUNY Ulster’s President, Alison Buckley, Ed.D., and Campus Connect Student Leaders. This three-hour orientation is a great start to the fall semester which begins Monday, Aug. 26. Registration is required. For more information, contact SUNY Ulster Admissions at admissions@sunyulster.edu, call 845-687-5022 or visit sunyulster.edu.