Historic Huguenot Street presents a new Kids' Program "Mondays at the Museum!"
This July, kids aged 8-12 can go behind the scenes at Historic Huguenot Street and experience history right where it happened! Each week, we will uncover a different aspect of Huguenot Street’s past by exploring our historic buildings, playing old-fashioned games, making unique crafts and recipes, and so much more!
Pre-registration is required for each day of this drop-off program. Programs start at 9AM and end at 3PM each Monday. Drop-off and pick-up is in our Broadhead Ave lot. Registration is $45 per kid, per day.
If you sign up for 3 Mondays, you get the 4th Monday 50% off! Email education@huguenotstreet.org before signing up for all 4 days to receive your discount.
July 15th: Want to know what the holidays were like in the 1800s? Pretend its December and come cool off at Huguenot Street! Make Victorian crafts, sing old-fashioned carols, and enjoy warm-weather versions of classic Christmas treats.