Divine Femininity at Wired Gallery


The opening reception of the exhibition, "Divine Femininity, the art of Harriet Forman Barrett" will be held, 5-7 p.m. Saturday, July 27, at the Wired Gallery, 11 Mohonk Road, High Falls. In the exhibit, Barrett will present paintings and sculptures that invoke collective spirituality and feminine empowerment.

Her artistic journey began in 1965 at the High School of Music and Art (M&A), where she received the Oil Painting Award upon graduation. She discovered a love for sculpture and jewelry design at M&A before earning her Bachelor of Fine Arts from Pratt Institute. For over 55 years, Barrett has been professionally selling her jewelry, while her work in painting and sculpture has been showcased worldwide, including at prestigious exhibitions such as the World Silver Show in Mexico City (1973), Monmouth Museum (1977), Samuel Dorsky Museum Gallery (2020), Hammond Museum (2020-2021), and Cunneen-Hackett Art Center’s One Woman Show (2022).

“This exhibition is a celebration of the power and spirit of femininity,” said Wired Gallery owner/curator Sevan Melikyan. “Barrett’s work resonates deeply with viewers, offering a unique perspective on the divine aspects of the feminine.”

For more information, visit thewiredgallery.com or call 682-564-5613.